
    Pastel on paper

    14.5 x 27.5

    Years ago, my father gave me a book of photography featuring primate portraits. The different primates were brought into a studio, set up with a backdrop, lights and camera where these primates were photographed just as Christie Brinkley or Kendall Jenner would be. They posed and smiled in much the same way. How close we are, the human race, to these beautiful creatures. I've always felt a great connection to animals. This book triggered the Monkey series. All pastel. All tell stories. Thank you, Father.

    I read a story about a young woman who was voted homecoming queen of her high school, as a joke. They wanted to laugh at her.

    When she found out that it wasn't really her friends honoring her, she was quoted, "I felt 'like trash.'" High School is hard. Bullies are mean.
